Feb 29 2024

Wilson, Justin

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Professional Goal Statement

Upon graduation from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Doctorate of Physical Therapy program, I aspire to work in an outpatient orthopedic clinic that lends itself to athletes at varying levels. As I grow as a professional I am dedicated to advancing my knowledge in evidence-based treatment and leveraging my experience working with high-level athletes to provide the highest standard of care to all of my future patients. I aim to enhance my clinical skills through continued education, integrating advanced therapeutic interventions and personalized treatment plans to promote optimal recovery and improve functional outcomes for the patients I one day hope to treat. Additionally, I am committed to contributing to the physical therapy profession through mentorship, and continued advocacy through professional organizations to advocate for policies and standards that improve patient care and the practice of physical therapy.

Career Plan

  • Education
    • Appalachian State University, BS in Exercise Science, cum laude – Class of 2018
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Doctorate of Physical Therapy – Class of 2024
  • Clinical Education
    • Clinical Rotation I: UNC Health Rockingham, Eden, NC
      • Acute Care – 8 weeks
    • Clinical Rotation II: Duke Specialty Rehab Services Midtown, Raleigh, NC
      • Outpatient Neuro – 8 weeks
    • Clinical Rotation III: Trinity Wellness Center, Raleigh, NC
      • Outpatient Orthopedic – 8 weeks
    • Clinical Rotation IV: Raleigh Orthopaedic Performance Center, Raleigh, NC
      • Outpatient Orthopedic – 12 weeks
  • Electives
    • Fall 2023
      • Advanced Orthopedic Assessment and Treatment
      • Teacher Scholar for Musculoskeletal II – PT Intervention
    • Spring 2024
      • Topics in Sports Physical Therapy
      • Integrated Clinical Experience – Outpatient Orthopedics
  • Extracurricular
    • APTA NC DEI Committee Member
    • APTA NC Student Special Interest Group Director of DEI
    • Co-Chair of the DEI Committee of the Student Physical Therapy Association

Self Assessment

  • Strengths
    • Establishing patient rapport
    • Implementing appropriate exercise prescriptions for patients at varying functional levels.
    • Willingness and dedication to learning and continued professional growth by staying up to date with evidence based research and involvement in various APTA committees.
  • Areas for Professional Development
    • Gaining a better understanding of reimbursement and the billing structure of various insurance companies
    • Continuing to develop sound clinical reasoning skills
    • Seeking out learning opportunities to further develop my treatment approach for high level athletes with complex musculoskeletal injuries.


  • Graduate with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy Degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Pass the Federation of State Boards Physical Therapy Examination to become a licensed physical therapist
  • Pass the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) Examination
  • Secure full time employment at an Outpatient sports/orthopedic clinic in North Carolina
  • Become a Board Certified Sports Specialist in Physical Therapy by way of SCS examination

Specific Strategies

  • Utilize various resources and adhere to the developed study plan to pass the NPTE
  • Utilize the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning book with supplemental resources to study for CSCS
  • Seek out mentorship from an experienced sports physical therapist
  • Continue to be active in APTA through membership and involvement in committees of interest
  • Seek out continuing education opportunities in areas of interest

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

During my time in the physical therapy program, I have sought out opportunities to become more involved in helping build a more diverse and inclusive environment within the realm of physical therapy education and the physical therapy profession. I have served on large scale committees such as the APTA NC DEI committee and APTA NC SSIG DEI committee, and smaller scale committees such as the SPTA DEI committee at a program level, with each having similar ideals and goals. Through various meetings and engagements, I have been fortunate enough to be involved in discussions centered around initiatives to diversify the profession and I have also helped in the development of programs and projects that were instrumental in carrying out this mission. As a member of the APTA NC DEI committee, I aided in the development of the inaugural Community Impact Challenge, a project that rewarded a DPT and PTA student or program with a monetary award for implementing a program that addressed a community need. My most rewarding experience during my time in the physical therapy program was playing a role in the development of the UNC DPT Exploratory Day. This program aligned with my personal mission of helping to diversify the physical therapy profession by providing resources and information to underrepresented and minority students who are interested in pursuing a career in healthcare. As a new graduate, I look forward to continuing to collaborate and engage in conversations centered around diversity and inclusivity to not only help grow the profession but also to ensure we continue to provide the highest quality of care to the diverse population we treat.

Interprofessional Education Activities

Engaging in the IPE activities during my time in the program allowed me to view how essential collaboration and teamwork is in providing patients with the best holistic care. These discussions, cases and various exercises allowed me to view patient care from the lenses of different healthcare professionals which provided a unique and enriching learning experience. This in turn prepared me to be able to take part in the collaborative care in several of my rotations. In having this practice, I was able to have open communication with patients and other healthcare providers to make recommendations and ensure patients were receiving appropriate and effective care. The respect I had for the other healthcare professions was solidified and with a better understanding of the scope of practice of the different healthcare professions I was able to have meaningful discussions and make sound decisions as part of a healthcare team.

Product Examples

Reflection Statement

As I reflect on my time here in Chapel Hill I am filled with immense gratitude and pride in knowing that I have achieved a longstanding goal that has been at the forefront of my academic career. What seemed to be a distant dream has now come to be a realization in 3 short years. As I reflect on who I was at the beginning of the program compared to who I am now, I am amazed at the amount of personal and professional growth that has transpired over the course of my time in the program. I have been challenged both inside and outside of the classroom through rigorous coursework and valuable conversation that I feel has prepared me adequately to not only be an effective clinician but a valuable young professional.

Throughout my time in the program I am also extremely grateful for the people that I have been fortunate to come in contact with. I have been surrounded by faculty and mentors that have been instrumental in my development and growth over the course of such a short period of time and for that I am thankful. It also gives me great joy to have witnessed my classmates flourish and grow into talented and excellent new graduate physical therapist. I’m proud to be able call my classmates my colleagues and more importantly my friends.

To the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Physical Therapy program I want to say thank you. I feel good knowing that I am leaving a better person, and prepared to be the best physical therapist I can possibly be for my future patients. We have the opportunity to be huge advocates for our patients and play a large role in helping these patients return to their beloved activities.  I couldn’t have asked for a better program to prepare me to take on this role. As someone who values leaving places in a better way than you found them, I hope that I have done my small part in making the UNC DPT program just a little bit better than when I first embarked on this journey. To the UNC DPT faculty and my friends, Thank You and Go Heels!



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