Apr 06 2022
McCarthy, Marjorie
Professional Goal Statement:
My overarching goal for my career in physical therapy is to sustain both my passion for patient well-being and my dedication to excellence in my work. I want to maintain my passion for patient well-being by considering the whole patient and seeking continued education opportunities on ways to improve therapeutic alliance. I want to sustain my dedication to excellence by seeking continued education opportunities in my field and seeking advice from professional mentors.
My more specific professional goal is to work in several different settings throughout my entire career. As I have come to love every setting I have experienced, I want to work in a variety of settings. I also like change and accepting new challenges in life. I strongly believe that working in different settings will make me a more well-rounded and effective therapist. I plan to pursue continued education opportunities and mentoring relationships in several settings as to stay up-to-date on the necessary skills and knowledge that different physical therapy settings require.
Career Plan
- Secure part-time employment in a pelvic health and/or orthopedic physical therapy setting while my children are still young
- Gain lymphedema certification
- Transition to acute care setting when my children are school-aged
- Transition to in-patient rehab setting
- Potentially start my own mobile PT clinic for disadvantaged communities after my children graduate high-school (see business plan in “Products” section of portfolio)
- Advanced education in pelvic health conditions and treatments
- Creativity in designing individualized treatment plans, specifically in orthopedic and home health settings
- Interpersonal skills, communication, and therapeutic alliance
- Background in education as a music teacher and dance instructor
- Strong relationships with professional mentors
- Undergraduate education in business administration and entrepreneurship
Areas for Professional Development
- Treatment of pediatric and high-level athletic populations
- Management of neurological conditions with the exception of stroke and Parkinson’s Disease
- Management of patients with vestibular conditions
- Complete final clinical rotation December 2022
- Pass NPTE Spring 2023
- Obtain employment by late summer 2023
- Obtain lymphedema certification in 2024
- Seek guidance from professional mentors regarding job search
- Reach out to clinics of interest in the Wake Forest area with cover letter and resume
- Gain APTA membership
- Pursue continuing education opportunities throughout employment
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
I have had many experiences that have taught me about equity and inclusion throughout my time in physical therapy school. Our course on the psycho-social aspects of disability was extremely informative with guest speakers sharing their life experiences. Our class discussion about healthcare accessibility with guest participants was very thought-provoking as we brainstormed policies and creative business strategies to improve accessibility. My work at the pro bono student physical therapy clinic gave me hands-on, face-to-face experience with patients with poor healthcare accessibility. These experiences have shaped me into a more understanding and caring healthcare provider.
Capstone: Treating and Preventing Common Postpartum Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Biomechanical Approach to Moving with Your Baby – Acemedic Paper
Hope Physical Therapy Business Plan – Hope Physical Therapy Business Plan
Physical therapy school has taught me that this field is much more vast than I previously thought. Physical therapy school has taught me more what I do not know than what I know. I now have so many areas of interest that I want to know more about. I have been introduced to acute, neurologic, and pelvic floor physical therapy – all settings I enjoy and would like to work in eventually. At the same time, physical therapy school has given me a framework of thinking to apply to patients with any diagnosis. I feel equipped to evaluate and design a treatment plan for any patient based on my examination findings. I also feel equipped in being able to research treatment ideas, protocols, disease prognoses, etc. when I do not know what to do. Between researching medical databases such as PubMed, utilizing APTA resources, and asking questions to experienced mentors, I feel I have the tools to seek further information. I am therefore thankful that UNC’s DPT program gives us a general physical therapy education that we can fine tune throughout our careers. I foresee myself working in several different settings throughout my career and always wanting to learn more.
Wonderful job on your portfolio! Nice to see all you have learned and accomplished. It is clear you have many interests and dreams. You have a bright future. Good luck to you! Lisa