Mar 18 2015
Johnson, Gary
Professional Goal: My career goal is to become a successful sports medicine/orthopedic physical therapist working with a diverse patient population from weekend warriors, to elite level athletes. My method of treatment will be based on functional movement and correcting biomechanical deficiencies as well as evidenced based manual interventions. I strive to be a well-rounded and respected physical therapist that will be sought after by patients and clinicians as an expert resource for orthopedic and sports medicine physical therapy.
Career Plan:
- BS in Athletic Training from North Carolina Central University (NCCU) 2007
- Certified athletic trainer 2007, licensed athletic trainer 2008
- Maintain athletic training certification and licensure
- Become CSCS certified by the end of 2014
- Join sports physical therapy section of APTA
- Graduate from UNC DPT program 2015
- Obtain a fulltime PT position in a sports medicine or outpatient orthopedic clinic
- Become mentor in NCCU’s pre-physical therapy club to promote diversity in the physical therapy profession
- Keep all certifications and licensures active (DPT, ATC, CSCS)
- Establish relationship with local club, school and rec teams to become sports medicine provider of choice
- Manual therapy fellowship
- Establish system of pro-bono physical therapy service in collaboration with current employer to work with the underserved populations in NC.
- Become senior level PT in outpatient orthopedic or sports medicine clinic
Self Assessment
- Motivated
- Enthusiastic
- Professional
- Back ground in athletic rehabilitation as well as strength and conditioning
- Caring
- Professional
- Treating neurological pathologies such as thoracic outlet syndrome
- Time management between patients
- Organization
- Understanding G-codes, PQRS and Medicaid
- Involvement in PT advocating
- Attain strength conditioning specialist certification through NCSA – Accomplished!
- Prepare and sit for board certification in physical therapy July 2015
- Participate in manual therapy fellowship
- Become clinical instructor
- … World Domination…?
Specific Strategies:
- Complete a Capstone based on sports medicine interventions to prevent/assess/rehabilitate orthopedic injuries
- Participate in ICE elective with UNC PT mentor Carla Hill to further expand orthopedic PT interventions
- Enroll in UNC DPT electives that will further enhance orthopedic assessment and intervention skills
- Perform 4th and final clinical internship at sports medicine or orthopedic clinic
- Keep in touch with all former CI’s and medical professions to use as mentors and possible business references
Pertinent Third Year Coursework
- Advanced Orthopedic Assessment
- Integrated Clinical Experience
- UNC PT Service Learning Trip to Guatemala
Samples of Coursework
Capstone Project
Anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus repair rehabilitation for the collegiate athlete:
Outcome Measures Final Project
Analysis of psychometrics properties of the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)
Reflective Statement
I have enjoyed my time in the UNC-DPT program immensely! I have made life long friends and colleagues with my fellow classmates (soon to be doctor’s of physical therapy) as well as the faculty and staff. I have developed mentorship relationships with many of the professors, as well as my clinical instructors, who I would have never met were it not for UNC-DPT. I have grown as a person, and I have worked outside my comfort zone in clinics in N.C. and South America. I have stretched the limits of my mental dexterity, and I have seen the impacts of excellent health care, and the detriments of lack of health care accessibility. It is bittersweet that these 3-years are coming to an end, but I am excited to join the ranks of physical therapists as we make a positive impact on the lives of our community.
I assume you are still finishing linking your samples etc. I will check back. I am excited to see more about what you have accomplished.
You are off to a great start with developing your expertise in ortho/sports PT. I know you will accomplish great things as you continue to pursue your passion.