Feb 29 2024

Hill, Karolyne

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Professional Goal Statement: 

Following graduation from UNC Chapel Hill with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, I plan to pursue a career in neurologic physical therapy. I have specific interests in stroke and Parkinson’s rehabilitation and in treating balance impairments for fall prevention. I am also interested in pelvic health physical therapy, especially in how it relates to neurological conditions. I hope to work in either inpatient rehab or in an outpatient neuro setting. I intend to work in my home state of North Carolina for the duration of my career and have a goal of providing personalized, evidence-based physical therapy care to the rural communities of Western NC. I have a strong passion for the field of physical therapy, and I hope to empower my patients with the knowledge and tools to optimize their health and functional potential to live their best lives.

Academic Career

  • May 2019: Bachelor of Arts in Exercise Science and Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • July 2024 (anticipated): Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • Clinical Rotations:
      • Bodies in Balance (Outpatient Neuro) – Wilmington, NC
      • UNC Inpatient Rehabilitation Center, Hillsborough Campus Hospital (Inpatient Neuro) – Hillsborough, NC
      • Atrium Health Cabarrus Hospital (Acute Care)- Concord, N
      • UNC Wellness Center at Meadowmont, UNC Therapy Services (Outpatient Ortho)- Chapel Hill, NC
    • Electives:
      • Advanced Ortho (2023)
      • Spanish for the Health Professions (2023)
      • Advanced Neuro (2024)
    • Capstone Project:
        • The Clinical Utility of Teaching Medical Students Skills to Effectively Communicate with Individuals with Communication Disorders
    • Extra-Curricular Activities
      • Co-chair of the Events Committee of the UNC Student Physical Therapy Association
      • ACE Fitness Certified Group Fitness Instructor

Product Examples:

Career Plan and Objectives:

  • Graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill DPT Program July 2024
  • Pass the NPTE in July of 2024
  • Begin working in an outpatient neuro clinic in Winston-Salem, NC by October 2024
  • Complete Herman and Wallace Pelvic Function Level 1 Certification during my first year of clinical practice
  • Become a certified clinical instructor by 2026
  • Obtain my Neurologic Specialist Certification by 2034
  • Co-own and work in an outpatient clinic in Western NC by 2040


  • Strengths
    • Strong clinical skills
    • Professionalism
    • Compassion for patients and a willingness to serve others
    • Highly motivated and committed to my professional development and betterment as a practicing clinician
  • Areas for Professional Development
    • Increase my depth of knowledge and understanding of assistive technology/seating and wheeled mobility
    • Continue to develop my knowledge and clinical skills in the evaluation and treatment of vestibular disorders and pelvic health
    • Improve my understanding of billing and insurance as it relates to patient care and management of an outpatient clinic

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

As physical therapists, we have the unique opportunity of caring for patients of a diverse range of races, cultures, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and physical abilities. To provide effective physical therapy care, a therapist must recognize how these factors influence each individual and their perception of healthcare and the world around them. Beyond just recognition, we must also be willing to actively listen, educate ourselves, and participate in the dismantling of discriminatory systems within our workplace and the greater healthcare sector. With my experiences at UNC during Health Equity Week and professionally with Novant Health during their Women in Leadership Week, I feel better prepared to provide accessible and inclusive care to my patients. I also broadened my perspective of how my influence as a future leader has a responsibility to ensure justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are at the forefront of our practice and in our community. Personally, I hope that each patient that I have the opportunity to work with feels welcomed, heard, and respected in their journey to health.

Interprofessional Education Activities (IPE)

In the two years between college and graduate school, I worked as an acute care rehabilitation aide at a large hospital in Charlotte, NC. During this time the COVID-19 pandemic ensued which caused rapid changes in the processes of providing healthcare in the acute care setting. Suddenly, physical therapists, medical doctors, respiratory therapists, nurses, social workers, aides, and other healthcare professionals were tasked with combatting a global pandemic, forcing these professionals to stray from their traditional roles and responsibilities in their respective fields. Because of this, I had the opportunity to participate in collaborative teams of various fields working in COVID-19 units to assist in caring for patients, maintaining a supply of PPE, and providing support to my team members. This experience taught me the importance of the interdisciplinary team in providing excellent care, especially in times of conflict. During my coursework and clinical rotations in PT school, I have furthered my knowledge and appreciation for other health disciplines. I feel encouraged to openly communicate with other healthcare professionals about my patients and I will seek out opportunities to collaborate with other disciplines to ensure that patients receive cohesive and comprehensive care.

Reflective Statement

My journey to becoming a physical therapist has not been devoid of its challenges, but because of this my anticipated graduation and licensure feel extremely rewarding. I am so thankful to the UNC DPT program for providing me with numerous learning opportunities that have helped me grow into the therapist I have always wanted to be. My clinical experiences have challenged me and shaped me into a well-rounded therapist who thinks critically and creatively. I must also recognize my classmates as their encouragement and guidance have been integral to my academic development and growth as a person. Lastly, I have to thank my parents who inspired me from a young age to dream big, work hard, and never give up. I couldn’t have done this without your support! I enter into the first year of my career excited and hopeful and I look forward to using everything that I have learned for the betterment of my patients and our community.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Hill, Karolyne”

  1.   Lisa Johnstonon 03 Jun 2024 at 11:48 am

    Karolyne- What a great job you have done on your portfolio. So nice to read more about your journey and your goals. Good luck to you! Lisa


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