Feb 29 2024

Geinosky, Keri

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Professional Goal Statement

My two favorite words are “smile” and “move”. Every day I try to do something that brings me joy and something that brings my body movement (luckily these are often the same thing!) As a physical therapist, I hope to help my patients rehab from their injuries and find a way to move every day in a way that brings them joy. My professional goal is to provide my patients with exceptional patient care rooted in the best available evidence while addressing their physical and mental needs holistically.

Prior to PT school, I served in the United States Marine Corps. There was a large stigma around injuries, and it was common practice to avoid seeking care when injured. During PT school I have found a passion for endurance sports, namely triathlons. Similarly to Marines, I have found that endurance athletes also tend to push through injuries. Tactical and endurance athletes are headstrong individuals whom I would like to serve as a physical therapist. Having firsthand experience in both settings, I hope that I can get into the heads of my patients and provide them with the most realistic expectations for rehabbing their injuries while also providing the best possible education for injury prevention.

I also have found a strong interest in rheumatic and autoimmune conditions through the research preceptorship I have been taking part in during my final year of PT school. Physical therapy is often underutilized by these individuals, and it is common for orthopedic physical therapists to feel unprepared to work with these individuals. I am eager to integrate what I have learned from my research and my capstone project into my orthopedic practice. Additionally, through my clinical experiences, I have found deep fulfillment in working with geriatric patients. While early in my career, I see myself working with tactical and endurance athletes, I see myself shifting towards working with patients with rheumatic conditions and geriatric patients later in my career. I hope to apply the concepts of athleticism to improve the lives of older adults and those with rheumatic conditions by helping them learn it is never too late to be an athlete.

Career Plan

Past Accomplishments:

  • Bachelors of Exercise Science from UNC Wilmington (2018-2020)
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer (2017-Present)
  • FMS Certified (2020-Present)

Clinical Experience:

  • Clinal I: Outpatient Orthopedic – Oleander Rehab, Wilmington, NC (June 2022-August 2022)
  • Clinical II: Inpatient Neurorehabilitation – James A Haley VA, Tampa, Fl (February 2023-April 2023)
  • Clinical III: Acute Care Rehabilitation – Duke University Hospital, Durham, NC (April 2023-June 2023)
  • Clinical IV: Outpatient Orthopedic – Venture Physical Therapy, Kihei, HI(April 2024-July2024)

Professional Development:

  • Attended APTA NC Student Conclave (April 2022)
  • Attended UNC Long COVID Symposium (May 2022)
  • Student Physical Therapy Association Service Chair (January 2022-January 2023)
  • Rheumatology Research Foundation Medical and Graduate Student Preceptorship (August 2023-July 2024)
  • Attended ACR Convergence (November 2023)
  • Teacher Assistant – Musculoskeletal (Spring 2024)

Future Plans:

  • Graduate from UNC DPT program (July 20204)
  • Sit for and pass NPTE (July 2024)
  • Begin working at an orthopedic clinic (Fall 2024)
  • Attain dry-needling certification (Spring 2025)
  • Attain CSCS certification (Fall 2025)
  • Become a board-certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (2027)


  • Pass the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) in 2024
  • Graduate with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from UNC-Chapel Hill in July of 2024
  • Become employed at a VA or military institution or a private practice in an orthopedic setting
  • Become a board-certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist



  • Strong background in exercise prescription
  • Quality of documentation
  • Establishing patient rapport
  • Open-minded and receptive to feedback
  • Flexible
  • Motivated to continue growing and improving my own skill sets

Areas for Professional Development

  • Literature consumption
  • Educating patients on current research
  • Professional advocacy
  • Insurance/reimbursement

Elective Courses

  • Fall 2023
    • Advanced Orthopedic Assessment and Intervention
    • Integrated Clinical Experience in outpatient orthopedic setting
  • Spring 2024
    • Teacher Scholar Program – MSK I
    • Advanced Neuromuscular Intervention

Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

Growing up in a diverse area in New Jersey and serving in the Marine Corps, where I worked with people from all walks of life, has provided me with a solid foundation in appreciating and respecting diverse perspectives. These early experiences ingrained in me the importance of empathy, teamwork, and the recognition of individual strengths and challenges, which are crucial in both military and civilian settings. Reflecting on my experiences during physical therapy school, particularly those related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, has profoundly influenced my perspective and approach to patient care. Reading “Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People” by Anthony Greenwald and Mahzarin Banaji opened my eyes to the unconscious biases we all harbor and underscored the importance of continuous self-awareness and education in mitigating these biases. The “Introduction to LGBTQ+ Competency” lecture highlighted the specific challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in healthcare, reinforcing the need for inclusive practices and respectful communication. These academic and professional experiences have collectively deepened my understanding of the barriers faced by marginalized communities and the pivotal role healthcare professionals play in addressing these inequities. As a result, I am committed to fostering an inclusive environment in my professional career, ensuring that every patient feels valued, respected, and understood regardless of their background. I will apply these lessons by actively listening to my patients, advocating for their needs, and continuously educating myself and others about the diverse experiences and challenges different populations face.

Interprofessional Education Activities (IPE)

The IPE activities I completed during the program have profoundly shaped my approach to patient-centered care by highlighting the value of collaboration and comprehensive treatment planning. Working through case studies with UNC occupational therapy students in my Intro to PT Intervention class demonstrated the importance of understanding different therapeutic perspectives to create holistic treatment plans. There were also IPE events in my Physical Therapy for Older Adults class, where I collaborated with medical, nutrition, social work, pharmacy, and occupational therapy students. These experiences underscored the necessity of integrating diverse expertise to address the multifaceted needs of older adults. Additionally, I had firsthand experience in implementing these lessons during my inpatient neuro rotation. During this rotation, I attended weekly interdisciplinary meetings with doctors, nurses, social workers, recreational therapists, and occupational therapists, where we discussed our shared patients’ cases. This experience reinforced the significance of regular communication and teamwork in optimizing patient outcomes. These meetings demonstrated how structured, continuous dialogue among healthcare professionals can lead to more precise and efficient patient care, ensuring that all aspects of the patient’s health are monitored and addressed. Finally, I attended an online event about AI in healthcare which broadened my understanding of emerging technologies and their potential to enhance patient care. I learned that integrating AI in healthcare settings presents opportunities for improved diagnostic accuracy, personalized treatment plans, and streamlined administrative processes, thereby enhancing overall patient care efficiency. Together, these experiences have taught me the importance of continuous learning, effective communication, and collaborative problem-solving, which I will carry forward into my professional career to ensure comprehensive, patient-centered care.

Product Examples



  • Currently working on a systematic review investigating the utilization of rehabilitation services by patients with common rheumatic conditions
    • Abstract to come June 2024

Reflective Statement

At the beginning of the program, my two biggest interests were pediatrics and pelvic health. However, as I progressed through my studies and clinical experiences, my interests evolved significantly. I am now deeply interested in orthopedics, particularly working with tactical and endurance athletes. Later in my career, I see a future where I can apply these concepts of athleticism to improve the lives of geriatric patients and those with rheumatic conditions, in helping them learn they are never too old to be an athlete. This journey has taught me the importance of being open to change and embracing new opportunities as they arise. I have learned to be more flexible, understanding that not everything will go as planned. This adaptability has been crucial in navigating the complexities of patient care and academic demands.

Additionally, one of the most valuable lessons I have learned is to treat each patient as if they were a family member. This means being caring, empathetic, and inclusive in my approach. By doing so, I can provide the highest level of care and ensure that each patient feels valued and understood. Patients are patients, but they are people first.

My work ethic has always been a cornerstone of my success. I have consistently placed school and work at the top of my priority list, refusing to let anything deter me from achieving my goals. However, the last three years have taught me the importance of balance. Our time here is limited. It is essential to me to cherish the little things, prioritize my family and loved ones, and take care of my physical and mental health. I believe I have charted a path that allows me to manage and care for both my personal and professional life effectively.

I am grateful for all the learning opportunities, clinical experiences, and mentors I have had along my way at UNC. I will take all I have learned with me as I move forward in my journey.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Geinosky, Keri”

  1.   Lisa Johnstonon 03 Jun 2024 at 11:40 am

    Keri- So nice to read your very personal and thoughtful journey and reflections. You have certainly grown and it is really nice to see some of the things you have accomplished. Good luck to you! Lisa


  2.   Jeffon 24 Jun 2024 at 7:57 am

    Awesome read about your experience and reflections. It has been great getting to know and work with you. Best of luck in the future



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