Feb 29 2024

Rinn, Gregory

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Professional Goal Statement

Upon graduating from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree, I plan to pursue a career in the inpatient and/or outpatient setting treating patients with neurologic conditions. I am drawn to the complex needs of this population, and have seen the transformative effect of therapy on these individuals. I aim to use my practice and my time to become a valuable contributor to the community I find myself in, and empower those I serve to take greater control of the role of movement in their life.


  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2024)
    • Physical Therapy services manager at Student Health Action Coalition (2022)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sports Science
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020)
    • Buckley Public Service Scholar

Clinical Experiences

  1. Movement for Life: Hendersonville, NC – Outpatient Orthopedics
  2. UNC Hillsborough Hospital: Hillsborough, NC – Inpatient Rehabilitation
  3. UNC Pardee Hospital: Hendersonville, NC – Acute Care
  4. CarePartners Rehabilitation: Asheville, NC – Inpatient Rehabilitation

Academic Work

  • Elective Courses
    • Research experience with Dr. Vicki Mercer (2023-2024)
    • Topics in Sports Physical Therapy (2024)
    • Advanced Neurological Intervention (2024)
    • Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Trip (2022,2024)
  • Product Examples

Current Objectives

  • Pass the NPTE – July 2024
  • Graduate from the DPT program at UNC Chapel Hill – July 2024
  • Receive PT license – August 2024
  • Obtain a job in an inpatient rehab hospital or outpatient neuro clinic – September 2024
  • Pass exam and obtain NCS certification – 2026-2028

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Beyond our academic experiences, the UNC DPT program places a high value on awareness and connection to a variety of populations. As a student, I had the opportunity to take part in a number of activities and roles geared towards connecting students to issues related to DEI in healthcare, with events such as the UNC DPT Exploratory Day and the Reality Ministry Farm days. Both brought attention to community members often overlooked in healthcare and education due to historical barriers imposed on individuals of different racial backgrounds or those with disabilities. The mission of any healthcare provider is to give high quality care to patients regardless of their background. My experiences through UNC certainly left me better equipped to attend to issues that a variety of populations face, with empathy and curiosity.

Interprofessional Education Activities

Another pillar of UNCs DPT program was interprofessional education. The physical therapist does not work in isolation, and in order to provide effective care, must be familiar and comfortable with the roles of various other professionals within the healthcare sphere. I had a number of experiences during the program working alongside other healthcare disciplines. I represented physical therapy services as the PT manager for UNC’s student run pro bono clinic: the Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC). AS the PT services manager, I worked alongside other disciplines to care for un/underinsured community members. Additionally, I participated in UNC’s interdisciplinary service trip to Tyrrell county during my first and third year in the program, planning and spending several days in a rural NC county to promote health and provide healthcare to residents. These experiences not only fanned the flame of my commitment to community service as a provider, but also brought into focus the idea of the interdependence of health care workers, particularly in individuals with complex needs.

Reflective Statement

During my time at UNC, I was challenged not just to excel in my academic work, but also to critically appraise where my values lie as a healthcare professional. Throughout my life, I have first valued community service and continual learning. Through a variety of experiences in the program, I am happy to say I have been well supported in unifying those values to a career in physical therapy. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given and the many friends, patients, and mentors I have met along the way. Whatever community my next steps take me towards, I am excited to serve.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Rinn, Gregory”

  1.   KMacon 30 May 2024 at 12:55 pm

    Hi Greg,
    Happy to hear that you are targeting NCS in the future – that is great. Please be in touch if you think I can assist in your plans to prepare for that – lots of ways to get there…I think your outlook and sense of humor is a great match for working in the neuro area—let us know where you land!


  2.   Lisa Johnstonon 03 Jun 2024 at 1:30 pm

    Greg- Nice job on your portfolio! It is great to see some of the samples of your work and a little more about your journey while here. Good luck to you with your next steps. Lisa


  3.   Jennifer Cookeon 13 Jun 2024 at 9:58 am

    Hello Greg – congratulations on wrapping up the program! It has been great getting to know you and watching you grow into a professional. Best of luck in all your pursuits!


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