Feb 29 2024

Humphrey, Hailey

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Professional Goal Statement

My goal as a physical therapist is to provide high quality, evidence-based, individualized, holistic care, leaving a positive and lasting impact on as many people as possible.  Upon graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with my Doctorate of Physical Therapy, I plan to return to rural Eastern North Carolina to work full-time in an outpatient orthopedic setting, gaining experience with various orthopedic conditions of all ages.  Within the first five years after graduation, I plan to explore residency program options to hone skills in a specialization of one of my interests; my current interests related to physical therapy include dance, supercross and motocross, pediatrics, and orthopedics.  Additional continuing education I am interested in includes becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), dry needling, gait analysis and running assessments, and manual therapy certification.  My longer-term goals include specializing to work within the field of one of my aforementioned population interests.  Throughout my career, I aspire to continually further my knowledge-base through mentoring and continuing education, always remember my purpose and grow in my faith, dutifully listen to my patients and help them feel heard, and to never lose the student-perspective of always having room to grow and more to learn.


Career Plan

  • 2020: Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sport Science with second major in Mathematics and minor in Chemistry (UNC-CH); Highest Distinction
    • 2018: Honors London study abroad, completing internship at Swiss Cottage School, Development & Research Centre
  • 2024: Doctorate of Physical Therapy (UNC-CH)
    • 2022: Clinical Affiliation I – Acute Care (8 weeks)
      • Scotland Health Care | Laurinburg, NC
    • 2022: UNC Student Physical Therapy Association (SPTA) Secretary
    • 2023: Clinical Affiliation II – Outpatient Pediatrics (8 weeks)
      • UNC Center for Rehabilitation Care | Chapel Hill, NC
    • 2023: Clinical Affiliation III – Outpatient Orthopedics (8 weeks)
      • CarolinaEast Orthopedics | New Bern, NC
    • 2024: Clinical Affiliation IV – Outpatient Orthopedics and Aquatics (12 weeks)
      • UNC Therapy Services Meadowmont | Chapel Hill, NC
    • 2024: Sit for licensure exam on July 25th, 2024




  • Interpersonal skills
  • Detail-Oriented
  • Accepts and applies feedback
  • Desire and dedication to further knowledge-base

Areas for Professional Development

  • Gaining more experience and knowledge to increase clinical reasoning skills
  • Exercise prescription
  • Understanding and involvement with advocacy for the profession
  • Knowledge of community resources for patient recommendations



  • Sit for NPTE and obtain PT licensure in NC
  • Graduate from the UNC DPT Program
  • Enter employment in outpatient orthopedic setting
  • Sit for CSCS Certification Exam
  • Continue to maintain APTA membership
  • Explore residency options for Sports or Orthopedics
  • Seek Dry Needling certification
  • Seek Manual Therapy certification


Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Growing up in rural NC followed by attending UNC for undergrad and studying abroad in London to complete an internship at a school for kids with special needs, I have been exposed to many different walks of life.  However, UNC’s DPT program showed me there were plenty of gaps which I had yet to understand.  From attending a sit-in for handicap accessibility on campus to travelling to Tyrrell County for a service learning trip, the DPT curriculum allowed me to be more than a bystander observing from the outside.  Immersing myself into the environments and realities of others helped me to recognize some of the aspects of life I take for granted.  Experiences like habitat for humanity and working at SHAC showed me how I have the privilege and opportunity to step in and be a part of the changes towards encouraging justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.  One thing I have recently been challenged to incorporate more of is using my blessings to be a blessing to others.  In my future career as a PT, some ways I can do this are through providing connections to community resources and finding ways to implement pro-bono and volunteer work into my regular activities.  It will require establishing a trusting relationship with my patients so they feel free to be vulnerable as well as having eyes to see the challenges my patients may face.  By meeting patients where they are, accepting them for who they are, and finding ways I can help (whether that be simply helping them feel seen/heard or helping them find ways to achieve personal goals they may not have the resources for), I can make a difference.


Interprofessional Education Activities

Interprofessional relations can be beneficial to both the clinicians as well as the patients.  Most patients likely have other medical professionals they are seeing (or should be seeing).  Collaboration with those professionals is extremely important for helping a patient achieve their goals.  With adequate communication, complementary interventions can be implemented and patient satisfaction is increased.  UNC’s DPT program has allowed me to see this first-hand through my clinical experiences.  I have had the opportunity to co-treat with occupational therapy on my acute care rotation as well as to attend the CP clinic (working with pediatric PM&R, orthopedics, neurology, SLP, OT, nursing, orthotics and prosthetics, and social work) on my outpatient pediatric rotation.  Further, class assignments have allowed me the opportunity to discuss sample patient cases with students from other professions, perform a virtual mock examination of a patient alongside nursing students, and engage in pediatric physical fitness education and hearing screenings while on a service learning trip with audiology, mental health, and school of public health students.  Because of these experiences, I now have a greater understanding of how different disciplines such as social work, nursing, dietetics, audiology, dental hygiene, medicine, mental health, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, and pharmacology function to best serve our shared patients.  This understanding has provided me a foundation for knowing when to refer out, who to go to when seeking professional opinions, and ways to offer patient resources when my sole expertise doesn’t fulfill my patient’s needs.  Additionally, these experiences have taught me the importance of advocating for the profession of physical therapy to other disciplines.  In conversations both through school assignments as well as with personal friends seeking degrees in other professions (including doctor of audiology, doctor of medicine, and physician assistant), it has been eye opening regarding how little some know about physical therapy and when to refer to physical therapy.  These conversations have provided great educational opportunities for those I communicate with, and it will be important to continue this conversation with others in my community as I begin my career as a PT.



Presentation in Differential Diagnosis (PHYT 798)

This presentation outlines the clinical presentation of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis while discussing a case study based on a 1996 article.

SCFE Presentation; SCFE Handout

Outpatient Pediatric Home Exercise Plans

These HEPs were designed as a part of a patient education module for a pediatric patient with Ehlers-Danlos who was planning to take the summer away from physical therapy for family travels.

Animal Walks; Weekly Exercise Plan; Other Exercise Ideas

Lab Day in Kinesiology and Biomechanics (PHYT 730)

As a Teacher Scholar for PHYT 730, I led the lab day for lower extremity biomechanics.  I updated activities and created an answer key based on previously utilized lab questions.  Following the lab, I hosted a 30-minute Q&A with the students regarding the material in the lab and potential material for their upcoming exam.

Lower Extremity Lab Answer Key

Exercise Prescription Reference Materials for Service Learning Trip (PHYT 896)

As a part of the Service Learning Trip to Tyrrell County, I designed exercise prescription materials for Middle School Physical Education classes.  I was a part of a team which used these materials to lead students through weightlifting mechanics as well as bodyweight HIIT workouts.

Sample Workouts

Presentation in Topics in Sports PT (PHYT 874)

Created and presented with a fellow student, this presentation outlines common faults found in the barbell back squat as well as injury implications and cues for correction.

Common Faults with Barbell Training


Reflective Statement

The last three years have been some of the hardest yet most rewarding.  I’ve had struggles, and I’ve had successes.  I’ve been challenged, and I’ve felt joy.  I’ve needed help, and I’ve been able to help others.  I have learned so much about the profession of physical therapy, but along the way I also learned so much about myself.  I have grown in my clinical reasoning, deliverance of patient care, and ability to establish a therapeutic alliance.  More personally, I have grown in my abilities to find joy in the journey, reflect on situations to identify areas for improvement as well as areas of strength, and prioritize what matters most to ensure I am my best self to be able to best serve my patients.  I have battled with confidence quite a bit over the last year, but I can confidently say the UNC DPT curriculum has prepared me more than I even know to excel in this profession.  The faculty in this division have poured into me on both professional and personal levels.  They have shared their knowledge while always keeping open doors – ones I can enter to receive hugs, shed a tear, or have a heart-to-heart as need.  For that, I am eternally grateful.  Further, my classmates are ones I could not have made it through the program without.  They have helped me come to terms with the answer “it depends”, and they have repeatedly told me “you know more than you think you know”.  I’ve found confidence in this while also appreciating the sentiment behind my hesitations – for there is always much to learn.  Part of being in this profession is being a life-long learner, and that is something which both comforts and excites me for my future as a physical therapist.


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Humphrey, Hailey”

  1.   Lisa Johnstonon 03 Jun 2024 at 12:11 pm

    Hailey- Congrats on all you have accomplished! It is really nice to see some of that hard work displayed here for others to see. Good luck to you as you continue on your professional journey! Lisa


  2.   Jeffon 24 Jun 2024 at 8:00 am

    It has been great getting to work with you and see first hand all the hard work you put in and what it has led to. Best of luck in the future



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