Feb 29 2024

Ayres, Kimmie

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Professional Goal Statement

After receiving my Doctorate of Physical Therapy from UNC Chapel Hill and becoming a licensed physical therapist, I plan to pursue a job in an inpatient or acute setting. My passion and primary goal is to work with pediatric patients, however, I also enjoy working with neurologic patients. Throughout my career, I aspire to provide personalized and holistic care to all my patients. I also aspire to give back to our profession by becoming a clinical instructor for future students. Additionally, I would like to join the faculty of a DPT program to help provide education on pediatric care for the next generation of PTs.

Career Plan

Past Experience and Academic Career

  • January 2020- June 2021: Physical Therapy Technician at Reynolds and Associates Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, NC
  • May 2021: Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a BA in Exercise and Sports Science and Religious Studies (Minor in Neuroscience)
  • January 2022 – January 2023: SHAC Physical Therapy Student Representative
  • August 2023-December 2023: TA for Introduction to Physical Therapy Examination and Intervention
  • August 2023-June 2024: Research Assistant for Professor Dana McCarty
  • July 2024: Graduate from UNC Chapel Hill with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy 

Clinical Experience

  • Clinical Affiliation 1: Acute Care (8 Weeks)
    • Central Carolina Hospital | Sanford, NC
  • Clinical Affiliation 2: Outpatient Orthopedic (8 Weeks)
    • Brunswick Physical Therapy and Associates | Southport, NC
  • Clinical Affiliation 3: School-Based Pediatrics (8 Weeks)
    • Wake County Public School System | Holly Springs, NC
  • Clinical Affiliation 4: Inpatient Pediatrics (12 Weeks)
    • Levine Children’s Hospital | Charlotte, NC
  • SHAC Pro-Bono Clinic (Intermittent service 2021-2024)
    • Carrboro, NC

 Future Plans

  • Pass the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) in 2024
  • Begin working in North Carolina as a licensed physical therapist in 2024 in an inpatient or acute setting
  • Become a certified clinical instructor in 2027
  • Obtain additional certifications and course experiences in areas of interest
  • Transition into an Associate Professor role at a North Carolina DPT program

Sample Work

Capstone Project: An Introduction to Non-Verbal Communication Techniques

Business Plan: Company for Educational Materials for Students and Clinicians



  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Lifelong learning mindset
  • Collaboration with an interdisciplinary team
  • Efficiency in incorporating feedback into practice

Areas for Professional Development

  • Professional Advocacy
  • Expanding my breadth of interventions
  • Involvement in the APTA
  • Conflict Resolution

Objectives and Goals

Professional Objectives

  • Graduate with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from UNC-Chapel Hill
  • Pass the NPTE and obtain licensure
  • Begin working in North Carolina as a physical therapist
  • Become a Clinical Instructor
  • Become an Associate Professor at an accredited university’s DPT program

Strategies to Obtain Objectives

  • Took the following Electives:
    • Advanced Neuromuscular Intervention
    • Child & Family Assessment and Intervention
    • Teacher Scholar – Introduction to Physical Therapy Examination and Interventions
    • Interdisciplinary Service Learning Trip
  • Become an APTA member to stay up-to-date on policies, evidenced-based practice, advocacy opportunities, and continuing education courses
  • Continue to grow a network of physical therapists from UNC and my clinical experiences
  • Steps to emerge into the academic environment throughout my career

Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Everyone deserves a place at the table. It is as simple as that. However, through my experiences in the clinic, classroom, and additional training, it has become evident the world is not as accommodating as one would hope. Our system is plagued with policies that contribute to the inherent systematic racism present in healthcare. At the individual level, we also have to consider our implicit biases as contributing factors to an inequitable and, at times, exclusive system. Increased awareness of these issues has led to advocacy becoming an essential aspect of my future career. While I don’t see myself on Capitol Hill, I do see myself becoming a voice for my patients and helping them find that voice themselves. Teaching patients how to advocate for themselves in a complex system and standing alongside them when needed is vital to assisting them to receive the care they need. Furthermore, as a provider, it is my duty to provide high-quality care to each of my patients. However, this means understanding my patients, meeting them where they are, and providing individualized care based on their needs. Throughout my practice, I will provide a high level of individualized care, accounting for how the various social determinants of health impact each patient.

Interprofessional Education Activities

I’ve been fortunate to participate in multiple interdisciplinary care opportunities during my time in the DPT program. In each team I worked with, I was perpetually amazed at how much more cohesive care is when all providers are involved in the conversation. Furthermore, my appreciation for other healthcare providers and their contribution to patient care has exponentially grown. Each provider is equipped with a unique set of skills and knowledge separate from my own to benefit the health of our patients. While there is some overlap in knowledge between providers, it only serves to help the patient as perspectives and minds combine to create a comprehensive and cohesive plan. My experiences have abundantly evidenced that open communication and time spent collaborating with other providers is well worth the decreased financial and time burden for both the patient and providers. Throughout my practice, I will continue to ensure I take time to talk with other healthcare providers to provide optimal care for my patients. In my work environment, I will also advocate for the importance of interdisciplinary care.

Reflective Statement

As these past three years come to a close, I am filled with gratitude for the professors and classmates who supported me. They have witnessed how I’ve transformed into a more adaptable and confident clinician over the past three years; yet, it’s a transformation that would not have been possible without their influence and investment in me. As I begin my PT career, I hope to give back some of the love and support shown to me to other students and clinicians.

Throughout these years I have also been able to discover where my passion lies. My love for pediatric and acute care has grown exponentially. I cannot wait to start treating these populations and continuing to build myself into a great provider for them. I have also found a love for teaching and mentoring others, which will hopefully lead to an opportunity to become a DPT program faculty member. However, for right now, I am simply excited to see where this new journey takes me. I don’t have a strict timeline, just a desire to keep learning along the way.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Ayres, Kimmie”

  1.   KMacon 30 May 2024 at 12:22 pm

    Hi Kimmie, Nice to read your reflections – you should also credit yourself with offering tutoring for DPT students in neuro!!!
    A quick tip on terminology for education – full time faculty usually start at assistant prof level, then get promoted to associate, before promotion to full professor. Those who are part time instructors are adjunct professors….so that may be what you are meaning as a future goal…kmac


  2.   Lisa Johnstonon 03 Jun 2024 at 11:07 am

    Kimmie- Nice job on your portfolio! Thanks for sharing your goals and plans. Good luck to you! Lisa


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