Mar 18 2015

Skeeter, Jessica

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Professional Goal Statement

My professional goals have changed over the years, and they continue to evolve as I progress towards obtaining my doctoral degree in Physical Therapy on Aug 1, 2015. My aspirations revolve around the notion that I wish to provide my time and efforts towards improving the lives of the individuals I serve. Following graduation, I hope to work in the Virginia Beach, VA area in a private outpatient facility that will allow me to expand my experience in orthopedics. Ideally, a setting that also offers PT across the lifespan would permit me to advance my understanding of working with children and young adults as well. During the first three to five years of my career, I hope to obtain an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) certification to better promote myself and the profession. Ultimately, I intend to use the skills I have obtained and will continue to acquire through future educational opportunities to provide the highest level of care to all of the patients I will have the opportunity to treat.


Career Plan

  • B.S. Biological Sciences with Honors Scholar in Health Studies designation
    Minors: Chemistry; Medicine & Society
    Virginia Tech, May 2010
  • Research Assistant I
    Eastern Virginia Medical School (Norfolk VA)
    July 2010 – February 2011
  • Physical Therapy Technician
    Southeastern Physical Therapy (Virginia Beach VA)
    February 2011 – August 2012
  • Clinical Affiliation
    Outpatient Orthopedic Physical Therapy
    Carolina Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (New Bern NC)
    June – August 2013
  • Clinical Affiliation
    School-Based Physical Therapy
    Wake County Public Schools (Raleigh NC)
    March – April 2014
  • Clinical Affiliation
    Acute Physical Therapy, Cardiovascular team
    Vidant Medical Center (Greenville NC)
    April – June 2014
  • UNC Physical Therapy Outreach Service-Learning Trip to Guatemala
    April 2015
  • Clinical Affiliation
    Outpatient Orthopedic Physical Therapy
    Southeastern Physical Therapy (Virginia Beach VA)
    May – July 2015
  • Sit for and pass NPTE
    July 22/23, 2015
  • Obtain Doctorate in Physical Therapy
    University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
    August 1, 2015
  • Employment in Outpatient PT Setting
    Hampton Roads area of VA
  • PT Service trips abroad
    (ongoing) 2015 – ?
  • Obtain OCS certification
  • Obtain APTA CI certification
  • Pursue leadership role in APTA at local/regional level
  • Obtain supervisory/director position within outpatient orthopedic facility

Self Assessment


  • Passion to serve others, both through my employment and through service trips in the US and abroad
  • Effective communication skills for successful interaction with both pediatric and adult populations
  • Previous experience as a Physical Therapy Technician, working in an interdisciplinary environment
  • Drive to continue growing as a physical therapist through continuing education and potential future leadership involvement in the APTA

Areas for Professional Development:

  • Additional experience with neurological pediatrics population for evaluation and treatment strategies, particularly in an outpatient setting
  • Additional experience working with pediatric patients post surgery/injury
  • Gain more knowledge/obtain more references for evidence based interventions for pediatric populations
  • Gain more knowledge in appropriate DME recommendations and associated funding strategies through writing to insurance companies



  1. Graduate with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from UNC-CH.
  2. Obtain licensure to practice as a board certified physical therapist in VA.
  3. Gain experience and enhance my knowledge of orthopedic physical therapy by working as a full time therapist, treating patients of all ages with various orthopedic diagnoses.
  4. Seek experiences working with pediatric populations either by covering for a pediatric PT in the same company or through PRN work at a pediatric-based clinic.
  5. Participate in relevant continuing competency/education opportunities to constantly develop my clinical skills and to pursue topics of interest.
  6. Take part in future service learning trips with the UNC Outreach team.
  7. Obtain the Orthopedic Clinical Specialist certification to demonstrate advanced clinical knowledge of orthopedic issues and appropriate intervention strategies.


Strategic Plan

  1. Develop a study plan and prepare for the National Physical Therapy Exam in July 2015.
  2. Complete final 12-week rotation in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy setting in Virginia Beach, VA.
  3. Sustain relationships with previous professors and CIs for further mentorship and guidance post-graduation and beyond.
  4. Seek job opportunities in outpatient physical therapy clinics in the Hampton Roads area of VA that offer PT across the lifespan and will provide mentorship opportunities to ensure professional growth and the development
  5. Maintain membership in APTA, and seek membership into the Virginia Physical Therapy Association and the Orthopedic PT Section of the APTA. Consider future membership in the Pediatric PT Section of the APTA.


Third Year Electives

Fall 2014

  • PHYT 880: Child and Family Assessment and Intervention

Spring 2015

  • PHYT 885: Advanced Neuromuscular Intervention
  • PHYT 895: UNC PT Outreach – Guatemala Service Learning Project


Samples of Academic Work

Reflective Statement

The past three years of graduate school have been some of the most rewarding as well as challenging years of my life. I am certain that I would not be here today had it not been for the love and support from my fellow classmates, professors, friends, and family. While many factors led me from my home in Virginia to the Tar Heel state, I can wholeheartedly say that I made the right decision when I accepted my spot in the Class of 2015 and moved to North Carolina to pursue my dream of becoming a physical therapist.
In addition to UNC’s prestige within the medical community, I recall being significantly intrigued by the low student-to-faculty ratio; the warm and welcoming faculty and students I had the chance to interact with; and the opportunity to participate in a service-learning trip to Guatemala during the third year. I remember moving down to Chapel Hill in August 2012, barely knowing anyone except for the few friends I had made during interview day. As terrified as I was, I was equally excited to have found a career path I was passionate about. I met friends whom I have laughed and cried with through this program – whose lives I have watched change and flourish as we have all evolved as students and grown as individuals over the last 3 years. I established relationships with faculty that I value and will cherish throughout my PT career. Finally, I feel that I grew both personally and professionally into the individual I was always meant to be. As I look towards graduation in August, I find myself prepared to become a licensed physical therapist, eager to continue learning and growing through my pursuit of knowledge in the PT field, and excited to see where my passion for this profession leads me.



I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my friends, professors, and family members who have supported and reassured me throughout my entire PT school experience. I am looking forward to my future in this profession!

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Skeeter, Jessica”

  1.   Lisa Johnstonon 07 Jun 2015 at 9:06 pm

    It is great to see your progress over your time here. I really enjoyed working with you in preparation for the Guatemala trip. You did an excellent job. Nice work!


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