Mar 18 2015
Murray, Michael
Reflective statement and assessment of progress toward goal
I feel that I’ve been on track for my professional goal which essentially said I wanted to give back to the people North Carolina through my work, give back to my profession, and learn from the people I treat in order to be a better PT and person. I feel that my work on my final rotation really exemplifies this best in that I am learning a great deal from everyone around me, sharing new information with those around me, and helping the patients I treat to not only heal themselves physically but in any other aspects of their life as well. I continue to develop myself professionally in the classroom, through joining journal clubs, being active in the APTA and NCPTA, and by advocating for patients’ rights whenever possible.
Not everything I’ve done has been successful but everything I’ve done has been a learning experience and in all honesty has set me on a better path. For example, I tried to run for a national student board position but lost to a candidate just as passionate and qualified as myself. Obviously this was disappointing but losing provided me with an opportunity to pursue my passion of aquatic therapy. I am now on 2 committees and 1 task force for the APTA Aquatic Section, I am on a rotation with a heavy load of aquatic therapy patients where many of the established PTs see me as a knowledgeable resource for their patients, I am working on publishing a literature review involving aquatic therapy, and I plan to get certified as an Aquatic therapy specialist through the Aquatic Section upon graduation. I one day hope to be an important resource for patients who need quality physical therapy and a resource for PTs to go to when they are looking for ways to treat their patients using the aquatic environment. I am still very motivated to publish clinically relevant case studies and case series to further the profession of PT while maintaining patient contact in the clinic.
I have also stayed extremely active in the national and state professional organizations which started my first year with attending the National Student Conclave, Federal Advocacy Forum, and NCPTA Spring conference. I will be going to the APTA Capitol Hill Day in June which will be my 3rd time talking to senators and representatives about patient care issues. I’ve also been asked by the NCPTA to attend leadership retreats to help give a student perspective on improving the organization, improving the profession of PT in NC, and helping to advocate for PT legislation on the state level. I’ve served as the NCPTA Student SIG vice chair and have put together quiz bowls, student oriented presentations at statewide conferences, and advocated for student rights to the NCPTA Board. My passion for moving the profession forward has been unwavering and will definitely continue into the future.
When I got into PT school I knew that I would not fail in reaching my goals and while plans may change over time, my resolution to be great at what I do has never changed. With each new obstacle, a new opportunity and learning experience has emerged.
Examples of Two Products:
- Case Study from ICE (originally intended to be presented at UNC DPT Rounds):
- Presentation For Students at NCPTA 2014 Fall Conference:
Hi Michael,
Seems like your portfolio is formatted a little different than most – but I guess you’ve included all the components in narrative form in your reflective statement. Best of luck to you in reaching your goals!
Great job in reflecting on your professional passions and experiences here. Your investment in promoting the PT profession on many fronts is admirable. It would have been since to see more specific details about your past experiences (pre-DPT school) and where you plan to go in the future. I would also have enjoyed a link to your Capstone, which I believe is the aquatic lit review you refer to here. I’m sure it’s an excellent summary that would be helpful to many PTs interested in this niche of practice.
You identified and summarized excellent evidence with your ICE patient presentation. Considering your interest in presenting/publishing case studies in the future, I’d encourage you to transform your case into an abstract for the NCPTA Fall conference. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss this further.
Nice job on your portfolio. It was good to see samples of your work. I have been really impressed with your professional involvement.
Take care